
Learning Disability

Avalon is a community based residential home for people living with a learning disability. By working collaboratively, support is designed to be truly person centred to individual needs,ambitions and aspirations.
Person centred plans are developed to promote and support individuals to achieve positive outcomes and to progress along their identified care pathway.

Avalon supports:

  • Males or females aged 18+ who have a diagnosis of a learning disability.
  • Individuals may have coexisting secondary conditions including complex and/ or mental health needs.
  • Admission is primarily based upon an initial 12 week assessment period which includes a ‘Compatibility’ assessment to make sure that residents can be supported to live well together.
Philosophically, we believe in understanding the needs of the individual through robust assessment in order to provide person centred support to enable individuals to lead fulfilling lives as part of their local community.

We do this through:

  • Psychologically informed environments that encourage staff to reflect on practice and how to support the individual.
  • Person centred plans to develop positive behaviour support, enabling individuals to maintain and develop skills leading to greater independence.
  • Providing services that represent good value for money by demonstrating measurable, effective outcomes and progression.
  • Ensuring our colleagues have opportunities for tailored training and development to meet individual needs.
  • Ensuring that compliance and audit systems support service delivery and constantly drive improvement and embed quality in everything we do.
  • We work with a wide range of stakeholders to meet the needs of the individuals needs.

Avalon offers supported, community based living in a homely environment. Residents are encouraged to take an active role, and have their say in the daily running of the home.
In collaboration with the individual, commissioners and families, a detailed care pathway is formulated to meet individual needs through a person centred planning (PCP) approach. The person centred approach focuses on the immediate and the future, taking into account the needs, thoughts, concerns and opinions of the individual. Avalon also adopts active support and positive behavioural support (PBS) methods.
Residents are empowered to develop skills and make decisions to increase their independence and confidence aswell as live fulfilling and rewarding lives. Positive risk taking is encouraged as part of individual personal growth and experiences.
The home provides a range of therapeutic, educational, vocational and recreational activities with a strong focus on community integration and participation. Weekly activity programmes are designed around individual preferences and commonly include access to further education, work experience, day trips, sports, holidays, walking and many more.

  • Four, first floor bedrooms
  • One ground floor bedroom with en-suite
  • Personalisation to rooms welcomed
  • Ground floor wet room
  • Two lounges and an additional small sitting room
  • Large garden with outside seating

Situated in Kinmel Bay near the popular seaside resort of Rhyl, Avalon benefits from a range of attractions and opportunities that can be accessed within the local community and surrounding areas – there is no shortage!

Avalon is served well by public transport with buses operating a regular service between neighbouring towns which offer excellent shopping and leisure facilities. Both the railway station and the A55 expressway provide network links across North Wales and beyond.

Tracey Roscoe, Registered Manager

Tracey has worked in the health and social care sector for over 26 years. She has extensive experience working within residential and domiciliary care services supporting individuals with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health issues. Tracey holds the registered managers award in Leadership and Management, NVQ Level 4 and is registered with Social Care Wales.

  • Summary

    • Learning Disabilities Service
    • Residential, community based living
    • 5 single rooms
    • Age 18+
    • Medium to long term care
    • Structured programmes
    • Good network of friends
    • Step down service

    Betws Avenue, Kinmel Bay, Conwy, LL18 5BN

‘We empower people to make decisions and achieve fulfilling and rewarding lives.’

Care Inspectorate Wales | Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru

Avalon (Conwy) is regulated and inspected by Care Inspectorate Wales.

> Read our inspection reports

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